BREAKING NEWS: New Orleans Saints Derek Carr Just Turn Down New Contract And Confirm He Want To Leave Due To…….

After the team’s first training camp day, quarterback Derek Carr of the New Orleans Saints met with the media. This is a summary of the many subjects Carr covered.

The status of Alvin Kamara’s contract
Carr questioned Alvin Kamara at the beginning of his news conference following the training camp. Carr says of him, “He’s been absolutely amazing.” “He arrived in the camp, and he has been here, I believe, at any moment; it’s not a secret what Kamara’s contract status is. At any point when the player asks, “You know what?” You are aware of my feelings; I will be there for both my organization and my team. That, more than anything, speaks to the front office, in my opinion. Carr keeps complimenting the seasoned running back’s work ethic. “He leaves for work. He is the most physically fit person there is. He enters prepared to work.He says very little.He only works out here when we’re out. That should have made a big impression on whoever and whatever he’s attempting to accomplish. Carr responds, “No, I expected to see him, but you never know,” when asked if he was surprised to see Kamara at the training camp.He is an adult. You’ll allow him to complete his tasks…Although I can’t say I was shocked to see him, I was glad to see him.

Kubiak Klint
The most intriguing question surrounding New Orleans heading into the 2024 campaign is how much of an impact Klint Kubiak’s arrival as offensive coordinator will have. Regarding Kubiak’s leadership, Carr responded, “It starts with Klint. We’ve all committed to holding each other accountable.” Klint is also making us answer for our actions.It doesn’t matter whether I gave Shaheed a pass today. Is it saying, “Did I put it on this shoulder or not?” Everyone is watching, even the starting quarterback and those vying for a roster spot. Everyone is receiving quite harsh coaching, and the expectations are set in stone. As players, it is our responsibility to act like, “Okay, he said it. Let’s hold each other accountable for it out here.” We seem to be in a good spot.

Carr goes on to characterize Kubiak when he responds to inquiries, saying, “He’s like power under control… he’s modest…He is familiar with his setup. He is familiar with this game. He’s grown up around it, so in a conceptual sense. He is focused. He’s silent when you speak with him one-on-one, though. He keeps to himself. He simply wants to spend time with his family, but he’s tough on us and calls things out when it comes to football and corrections. We have a great deal of regard for him in our room.

New Orleans
Carr has said in the past that it was tough to go from the Las Vegas Raiders to the Saints. Carr said, “I definitely feel more comfortable (with the) organization, the city, and the team,” in response to a question regarding his comfort level and confidence heading into his second year with New Orleans. Compared to my expectations, it took longer to get acclimated to. After ten years in the league, I had assumed that things would happen more quickly. That was not very important.There is a learning curve, particularly with regard to the family component. Probably the most difficult aspect of it was that.

The group’s tenacity and a hint of jealousy
In 2023, the Saints fell short of expectations and missed the playoffs. The player who received the greatest criticism for the team’s lack of success was Carr, who had signed a 4-year, $1150M contract earlier that summer. After missing the playoffs three years in a row, New Orleans is approaching them differently in 2024. Carr stated, “Physically and psychologically, it’s been one of the hardest seasons I’ve been a part of… I was exhausted. Although it was physically and mentally taxing, you can now see that urgency in action. We work quickly. They have a certain physicality. You could sense it from day one right now. That increases competition, which should lead to better outcomes.


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